CSCP Certified Supply Chain Professional

APICS CSCP-programmet giver fagfolk indsigt i at integrere og kontrollere aktiviteterne i produktions- og distributionssystemer.

Virkningen af supply chain management i virksomheder vokser stadig. Udviklingen sker inden for alle brancher, fra industri til serviceorientede virksomheder og profit til non-profit. Kunden forventer høj kvalitet og lave priser, men kunden lægger også mere og mere vægt på hurtig og pålidelig levering af produkter og ydelser. Som et resultat er effektiv produktion og distribution afgørende for at klare den globale konkurrence i dag.
Med kurset CSCP lærer du, hvordan du håndterer denne udvikling.

I Danmark tilbyder DDV uddannelserne med APICS-godkendt instruktør.

Uddannelserne foregår på engelsk.

Is the CSCP program right for you? 

Now more than ever before, supply chain is essential for businesses to run, consumers to get the goods they need and society to function. APICS Certified Supply Chain Certification (CSCP) is the playbook you need to understand and deliver this critical process. 

The comprehensive program covers everything you need to know across the global supply chain, from suppliers to customers and back again. Earning your CSCP designation shows that you have the skills to prepare for and overcome disruption, manage risk, and evaluate and implement modern supply chain technologies. This professional distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, proving your high level of knowledge and skills.  

After earning your CSCP you will be able to:  

  • Help your company reach its ideal supply chain state  
  • Use data to link production, distribution, purchasing and service  
  • Reduce waste in supply chains  
  • Identify and classify supply chain risk and develop risk response plans  
  • Improve communications throughout the supply chain  

CSCP content covers the following key topics

  • Supply Chains, Demand Management and Forecasting 
  • Global Supply Chain Networks 
  • Sourcing Products and Services 
  • Internal Operations and Inventory 
  • Forward and Reverse Logistics 
  • Supply Chain Relationships 
  • Supply Chain Risk 
  • Optimization, Sustainability and Technology 

The Learning System 

Tip: Studying with the CSCP Learning System increases your chances of passing the exam. On average, we recommend 100 hours of study time. 

The Learning System is a comprehensive exam prep program, providing print and digital materials, interactive activities, and downloadable content so you can study anywhere. It follows a three step program: Assess, study and practice. The platform includes: 

  • A personalized study experience that prioritizes content based on knowledge gaps and follows your progress through quiz scores and activities 
  • Microlearning that enables you to focus on smaller content segments, making more efficient use of time and ensuring you have a clear understanding of each topic 
  • Expanded learning modalities, including flashcards, quizzes and videos to help bring to life key concepts. 
  • Convenience through a mobile-first design and access to learnings via any mobile device, tablet or computer – 24/7. 

Learning options 

Choose your personal best fit based on your preferences, timing and budget.  

Self study: Study the learning system at your own pace with this flexible option. We can offer to purchase the material for you. Should you need help at a later stage, we can also help you.

Guided e-learning: Work the learning system at your own pace. You have access to an instructor during the course, for question and answer sessions, but there is no required meeting time, so you can complete assignments on your own schedule. 

Structured e-learning: Pair the Learning System with examples and guidance of an experienced instructor.

Instructor-led classes: Pair the Learning System with the guidance of an experienced instructor and the benefits of a classroom environment, with lots of discussions and examples.

In company: For in company possibilities. Contact DDV.

More CSCP information

CSCP Brochure

CSCP Exam content manual


Instructor: Wout Verwoerd (NL)


Self study: 11.800 kr. (start in two weeks)

Guided e-learning:  19.800 kr. (start in two weeks)

Structured e-learning: 25.800 kr.

Instructor-led classes* (in Denmark): 31.500 kr. (min. 4 students) 

In company: For in company possibilities. Contact DDV.

Included in the price:

The CSCP packages includes ASCM membership, books and learning system (1 year license, mandatory).
The price does not include the exam, see below.

Exam credit:    
Purchased at same time                7.900,00 kr. 
Purchased separate, < 1 year        9.600,00 kr. 

The prices are without VAT.

* The training extends over 7 days and is with physical attendance of 2 times; 3 and 4 days in a row with approx. 3 weeks apart and takes place in Denmark.

The place depends on the participants.

The price does not include overnight/dinner.

You are welcome to contact Eva Mosegaard, 3122 4513 for further information.