CPIM: Certified in Planning and Inventory Management

APICS-certificeringer er standarden for uddannelse inden for driftsledelse og produktionslogistik. Over hele verden betragtes APICS som den bedste uddannelse for fagfolk, der arbejder med drift og supply chain management. ASCM er foreningen, der administrerer og opdaterer APICS-uddannelserne. ASCM står for “Association for Supply Chain Management”. Personer, der er medlemmer af ASCM, modtager medlemsfordele, såsom rabatter på APICS-eksamener.

I Danmark tilbyder DDV uddannelserne med APICS-godkendt instruktør.

Uddannelserne foregår på engelsk.

Is the CPIM program right for you? 

Resilience and agility are what make supply chains thrive. By earning the APICS Certified in Planning and Inventory Management (CPIM) designation, you’ll develop competencies to successfully work across all functions of the supply chain. In addition, you’ll have the knowledge to effectively manage risks and disruptions, as well as leverage technology to streamline processes. 


The CPIM (Certified in Planning and Inventory Management) program provides supply chain- and operations management professionals with a strong theoretical background and practical understanding of the Fundamentals of Demand Management, Plan Supply, Executing the Supply Plan, Inventory Management, Continuous Improvement and Quality Management and Technologies, Strategy and S&OP and provides the knowledge to apply this information across the extended supply chain. 

CPIM has a proven track record by creating one international accepted common business language. It started in large organizations, and boiled down to software developers, consultancy companies and small and medium sized enterprises. Software developers are using the APICS OMBOK (Operations Management Body of Knowledge), originated from CPIM, as their standard. The CPIM education is proving its value during the increasing globalization. 

The roaring twenties forced consumer to a major shift in demand. It highlighted weaknesses in supply chains, and with that it became clear that planning is more important than ever. CPIM offers the tools and hands you the skills to deal with these circumstances. 

Earning the APICS CPIM demonstrates mastery of an organization’s internal operations and an in-depth understanding of materials management, master scheduling, forecasting, production planning and how it applies across the extended supply chain.  

After earning the CPIM you will be able to:  

  • Increase inventory accuracy and reduce inventory  
  • Improve forecasting  
  • Improve the S&OP process  
  • Manage and apply capacity resource planning  
  • Work more productively with your company’s ERP system  

For whom? 

If you want to gain the following skills and responsibilities, the CPIM is right for you! 

  • Increase inventory accuracy and reduce inventory 
  • Improve forecasting and the S&OP process 
  • Manage and apply capacity resource planning 
  • Work more productively with your company’s ERP system 
  • Effectively schedule material through the plant 
  • Improve operation’s strategic alignment 
  • Manage the Master Production Schedule 
  • Improve the results of an Material Requirement Plan (MRP) run 
  • Improve inventory storage, flow and handling 
  • Positively impact product design activities 
  • Manage continuous improvement projects 

The target audience for the CPIM education will be: 

  • Professionals, working in Operations – and Supply Chain Management 
  • Those who are, on a regular basis, in touch with Operations – and Supply Chain Management 
  • Those working in multinationals or in a multinational environment, seeking to learn one common business language. 
  • Professionals who prepare and/or implement software systems, like ERP, to increase the success rate drastically. 

What will I study? 

CPIM content covers the following key topics

CPIM 8.0 

  • Supply Chains and Strategy 
  • Sales and Operations Planning 
  • Demand 
  • Supply 
  • Detailed Schedules 
  • Inventory 
  • Distribution 
  • Quality, Technology and Continuous Improvement 

The Learning System 

Tip: Studying with the CPIM Learning System increases your chances of passing the exam. On average, we recommend 100 hours of study time. 

The Learning System is a comprehensive exam prep program, providing print and digital materials, interactive activities, and downloadable content so you can study anywhere. It follows a three step program: Assess, study and practice. The platform includes: 

  • A personalized study experience that prioritizes content based on knowledge gaps and follows your progress through quiz scores and activities 
  • Microlearning that enables you to focus on smaller content segments, making more efficient use of time and ensuring you have a clear understanding of each topic 
  • Expanded learning modalities, including flashcards, quizzes and videos to help bring to life key concepts. 
  • Convenience through a mobile-first design and access to learnings via any mobile device, tablet or computer – 24/7. 

Learning options 

Choose your personal best fit based on your preferences, timing and budget.  

Self study: Study the learning system at your own pace with this flexible option. We can offer to purchase the material for you. Should you need help at a later stage, we can also help you.

Guided e-learning: Work the learning system at your own pace. You have access to an instructor during the course, for question and answer sessions, but there is no required meeting time, so you can complete assignments on your own schedule. 

Structured e-learning: Pair the Learning System with examples and guidance of an experienced instructor.

Instructor-led classes: Pair the Learning System with the guidance of an experienced instructor and the benefits of a classroom environment, with lots of discussions and examples.

In company: For in company possibilities. Contact DDV.

CPIM Brochure

CPIM Exam content manual 

Practical information

Instructor: Wout Verwoerd (NL)


Self study: 10.600 kr. (start in two weeks)

Guided e-learning:  18.600 kr. (start in two weeks)

Structured e-learning: 26.600 kr.

Instructor-led classes* (in Denmark): 33.100 kr. (min. 4 students) 

In company: For in company possibilities. Contact DDV.

Included in the price:

The CPIM packages includes ASCM membership, books and learning system (1 year license, mandatory).
The price does not include the exam, see below.

Exam credit:    
Purchased at same time                6.400,00 kr. 
Purchased separate, < 1 year        8.100,00 kr. 

The prices are without VAT.

* The training extends over 8 days and is with physical attendance of 2 times; 2 x 4 days in a row with approx. 3 weeks apart and takes place in Denmark.

The place depends on the participants.

The price does not include overnight/dinner.

You are welcome to contact Eva Mosegaard, em@ddv.org/0045 3122 4513 for further information.